The best jobs in the world are within your reach. Are you dreaming about a cool job but don’t have the guts to apply? Well, it’s the perfect time leave that cubicle and quit your dreadful job already. There are plenty of amazing jobs out there, just waiting to be filled by talented people like …
I’m tired all the time. I have a confession to make: As much as I pretend to be an expert on life (which I’m definitely not), the exhaustion issue continues to plague me. And I’m guessing you have this issue too. You’re working in Corporate America after all, staring at a computer screen or battling …
To learn from failure can be painful. And It feels like everyone is allergic to pain. I’ve seen it time and time again: Someone wants to pursue a grandiose plan, then they don’t. They get all worked up with excitement and passion, aggressively pursuing an engaging idea. Yet when it comes time to pull the …
Cell phone addiction is a real thing. Like most Americans, you’re addicted to your cell phone. Whether you realize it or not, you’re swiping and liking, tweeting and surfing, all day long. And the problem is, you don’t realize you’re doing it. Using a cell phone all day has become culturally acceptable. Whether walking around, …
Some of the best books on writing have little to do with technical writing skill. The best books on writing tackle the crippling effects of writer’s block. Though, if you want to learn the craft, there are many successful teachers and manuals out there. However, these are the books that have inspired me and many …
Giving financial advice for young adults feels like yelling into an empty cave. Is anyone listening? Because really, in your 20s, the sky’s the limit and you’re chasing your wildest dreams. But in reality, no one likes making mistakes. Mistakes hurt. They’re painful. And sometimes they can last a lifetime. But if you’re able to …
“Chase your dream.” My entire life all I’ve heard is this one recurring advice. And inheritably, I’ve pursued that mantra to the fullest extent. I’ve worked at Disney and tried to make a lot of money (not simultaneously). I’ve tried to launch a start-up company, been a standup comedian and a fiction author. While many …
Why is exercise good for your brain? It’s a good question. And luckily I have a good answer. And yet, I’ll be the first to admit I don’t like exercise. Even though I’m thin (frail), exercise is still important. As a writer, it’s necessary to understand why exercise is good for your brain. Exercise is …
How to write a resume is complex. We all know the importance of a good resume. They’re necessary for any job. But what’s seriously lacking in most people’s job search arsenal is a killer resume. Having hired a handful of people, I’ve seen the mediocre resumes fly across my desk. And while there’s nothing actually …
The ability to get a job without applying online is much easier than you think. Because quite frankly, the current job market is incredibly finicky. There are HR managers hiding behind computer portals with ridiculous hoops to jump through. Trying to get a job online is a nightmare. Unless you’re literally willing to apply to …