New Year’s resolutions fail a lot – I don’t make them, and you shouldn’t either. I feel like only gyms benefit off New Year’s resolutions – whose memberships explode in January (and then return back to normal in February). I have a friend who avoids the gym in January. He’s a regular gym-rat, but with …
Month: December 2017
How do you achieve the impossible? What makes one person successful and another not? In one simple answer, it is belief. It is the belief they will be successful. A successful person inherently believes in their soul one day they will be successful. They believe riches, fame, and fortune will eventually come their way, so …
Following money advice is hard. But don’t let the experts fool you, everyone has a hard time with their finances, no one is perfect. Balancing a budget is hard. Agreeing with your spouse is hard. Making the right decisions is hard. None of these financial decisions are actually simple, but over time they become less …
How do you find a job you enjoy? I don’t know. (I was about to end the post there, because I don’t have the answer. But I’ll elaborate for the curious.) All jobs are tough. It’s work. As humans we’re called to put forth effort during the day, to be productive members of society. To …
Holiday stress traps us all. When the holidays roll around, people jump into two camps. You’re either psyched out of your mind in a joyous state, and you’re Christmas’ #1 fan. Or you’re miserably depressed and can’t wait for the season to pass – you’re a scrooge. Or Grinch. Why is that? For a holiday …
It’s hard to create new habits. We all try, and sometimes we fail. But other people are able to make new habits. We see it all the time that someone else is able to succeed. What are they doing? How were they able to create a new habit? Create New Habits – Ideas My wife …
Books on faith always piss me off. One day you’re minding your own business, without a care in the world, thinking you’re awesome. Then for whatever reason you stumble across one of these books on faith – then wham! – you’re slapped with the reality-stick and your entire perspective changes. You feel like crap all …
Morning routines are important. Yet sometimes we don’t realize how important they are. When you’re regularly doing a morning routine, life just seems easier. It’s easier to get out of bed, easier to do chores, even easier to tackle working in a cubicle. Sometimes we decide life is going well and we forgo our routine. …
The internet of lies is real. Everything you see is fake. And everyone is pretending to be successful and rich when they’re not. Money is one of those all-consuming idols that plagues our lives. Especially as Americans, our entire society runs off consumerism. Turn on the TV and all you see are commercials. Open Facebook …
Here’s a list of the best gifts for an entrepreneur. Because we all have a dreamer in our life. When it comes time for Christmas gifts, they seem like the hardest bunch to shop for – those wild visionaries with their heads in the clouds. I’ve taken the time to compile a list of the …