What if you knew the secret to wealth? Would you use it? We all dream of money. We dream of fame, fortune, and success. We dream of being happy and peaceful. We want a life full of contentment. We want to be loved. We want a life of happiness. And we especially avoid pain – …
Following money advice is hard. But don’t let the experts fool you, everyone has a hard time with their finances, no one is perfect. Balancing a budget is hard. Agreeing with your spouse is hard. Making the right decisions is hard. None of these financial decisions are actually simple, but over time they become less …
Giving financial advice for young adults feels like yelling into an empty cave. Is anyone listening? Because really, in your 20s, the sky’s the limit and you’re chasing your wildest dreams. But in reality, no one likes making mistakes. Mistakes hurt. They’re painful. And sometimes they can last a lifetime. But if you’re able to …
Black Friday is bad for many reasons. We need to boycott Black Friday. But like most American’s, you’re probably looking forward to Black Friday – to the irresistible deals and the rush of a discount. But I’m here today to tell you to stay home. You must avoid Black Friday at all cost. Black Friday …
Financial success is on everyone’s mind. I’m sure like many Americans, you’re constantly worried about money. It’s the American way, right? Thinking you’re vastly underpaid, always dreaming about the perfect future job, all while bouncing your checking account on a regular basis. Like you, I too could have built a shed out of the enormous …
Let’s get one thing straight – Aldi is awesome but it’s an absolute stress-ball of a store. It is a nightmare in confusion, yelling, and shoving. Yet, in a million ways, it is absolutely fantastic. Let me explain. If you’ve never been to Aldi, or don’t have one in your state (that’s sad), it takes …
I never thought I’d be one to have a budget. Until I realized a budget improves your life. I mean, I hardly spend money on things, and when I do it’s on important things (beer, bubble gum, vacations). The thing is, once you get married, and have two opposing points of view fighting over discussing …